Thursday 01 October 2009
Today, Sekolah Rendah Sultan Hassan Bangar held a Hajat prayer for Year 6 pupils who will undergo Penilaian Sekolah Rendah Examination this coming Monday. The prayer was held in the school's prayer room. All Year 6 pupils and Muslim teachers including the Headmistress, Cikgu Dayang Yusnani Binti Ampuan Haji Yusof and Acting Deputy Headmistress Cikgu Rouziyah Binti Abu Bakar were there . Head of Ugama Teachers, Ustaz Haji Asman Bin Haji Timbang, lead the prayer.
Ustaz Dzul Fadly Bin Haji Abdul Latif lead the recitation of Surah Yassin together with all Muslim teachers and Year 6 pupils after the prayer. Doa Hajat for the success of the Year 6 pupils was lead by Ustaz Haji Azman.
Cikgu Zakaria Bin Haji Mudin gave a few advice for the pupils and said this remarkable words "Kejayaan kamu adalah kejayaan guru-guru dan kejayaan sekolah".
Concluding the Hajat prayer, Year 6 pupils bersalam-salaman with the teachers and asked for blessings and success in their examination.